Redis Client Mac Os

Installing Redis is really simple on a Mac OS. Follow these steps and you are good to go:Download the package from Internet. This website uses cookies and other tracking technology to analyse traffic, personalise ads and learn how we can improve the experience for our visitors and customers. QuickRedis is a free forever Redis Desktop manager. It supports direct connection, sentinel, and cluster mode, supports multiple languages, supports hundreds of millions of keys, and has an amazing UI. Supports both Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platform. Redis accepts clients’ connections on the configured listening TCP port and on the Unix socket, if enabled. When a new client connection is accepted, the following operations are performed − The client socket is put in non-blocking state since Redis uses multiplexing and non-blocking I/O. Redis Desktop Manager is a cross-platform open source Redis DB management tool. It allows you to connect simultaneously to multiple Redis databases or instances, inspect and modify your data and use an interactive terminal. You can also search for keys across multiple databases and view a system console which logs all Redis commands.

Redis Client Mac Os

In this post we will see How To Install Redis On Mac OS X

Redis Client Mac Os

To install Redis, run the following commands:

redis>set foo bar

Free Redis Gui Client

Video Instructions